If you went to your
favorite search engine, I'm sure you’d find a million articles on how to
start a diet. There may be promises of what you have to lose, who you'll become
after the undertaking. There are decisions to make. What should I avoid? What
might I rob myself of over the next _____(insert length of time here) to gain
_________(insert temporary result here)?
I wonder, however, if enough attention is given to the mentality going into
a diet, and more specifically a cleanse. There are certainly a great deal of
mistakes being made out there, and I hope to shed some light on them so you are
better prepared should you decide to undergo a cleanse for yourself.
Cleanse Mistake #1 : THE
The first mistake is the diet mentality. Sometimes when you start your diet
you do it out of frustration or self-loathing. You get to that point where you
say “I need to do something about this or I can’t stand how gross I feel, I’m
going on a diet.
And that’s how cleanses or diets often start, a desperation, a frustration,
almost a self-hatred of our bodies. We’re reacting to something without being
intentional about it and what ends up happening is that instead of the cleanse
being a chosen therapeutic modality, it’s actually has more of a come from of
punishment and deprivation.
The Solution: be intentional about cleansing. Decide WHY you are cleansing
and what you’d like to get out of it. What are some of the habits or patterns
you would like to eliminate?
Cleanse Mistake or
The second mistake is starting before they are prepared with the right foods
and the right supplies. It’s very important to mentally and physically prepare.
Don’t start your cleanse and THEN go to the grocery store hungry. That’s not
going to work!
The Solution: Prepare. Ideally two days are needed to prep: 1 day to set up
your schedule, 1 day to set up your home and gather the essential supplies. If
that’s not realistic, then give yourself more time. While a cleanse can be done
in the context of "normal" functioning work life, consider giving
yourself permission to be more spacious, to slow down and relax into your
body’s healing process.
Cleanse Mistake or
Experience #3 : GOING TO THE EXTREME
Mistake #3 is making your cleanse more extreme than it needs to be. This
happens by eating too little, again it’s the diet mentality of deprivation.
Make sure you are eating adequate meals. You shouldn’t feel hungry on a
Cleanse Mistake or
Cleanse mistake or experience #4 is underestimating the importance of extra
support and cleanse enhancing activities.
The Solution: Be in tune with yourself. Ask yourself: What else needs
nourishment? What non-edible forms of nourishment offer you pleasure,
relaxation or comfort?
Part of doing a cleanse is to set yourself up for success from the
beginning. Include pleasurable, nourishing, activities such as massage in your
cleanse so you still have that fun ritual without derailing with potentially
unhealthy food habits.
Cleanse Mistake or
Cleanse mistake or experience #5 is forgetting to plan properly for coming
off the cleanse. This is so important. You may finish the cleanse and have a
dinner party with friends planned at the end. I thought to myself, I’ve been so
good these last two weeks, screw it, I can have whatever I want. So I had wine
and cheese and chocolate cake. And once I started eating little nibbles of that
stuff, I couldn’t stop. My body went into sugar shock and I binged on everything
in sight. When I got home my stomach was in knots, I felt so sick! The problem
was I hadn’t planned ahead or brought any of my cleanse friendly foods to the
party. In phase 3 of the cleanse you’ll be doing some gentle re-introduction of
foods you had eliminated. So you slowly start adding in foods. You don’t want
to fill yourself with tons of processed foods. Take your cleanse insights and
create a maintenance way of eating that’s healthy for your body.
I think ’m ready to start a
cleanse. What Do I do now?
The best answer: consult with a Health Coach and your physician (if you have
any pre-existing conditions). There are hundreds of cleanses out there. Some
more extreme and some more gentle. The 14-day reset offered through Gabriela
Tutta Bella is a very gentle, safe, hypoallergenic, elimination diet that
almost everyone can do with ease. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, on
medication, or have a medical issue consult your doctor before beginning any
We work to eliminate and reintroduce foods like gluten containing grains,
dairy products, eggs, soy, caffeine, etc. Avoidance of these foods has lead to
relief of symptoms in many individuals. By reintroducing these foods back into
the diet individually one is able to see clearly how their body reacts to that
This cleanse is designed to be vegan, meaning no animal products but some of
your clients may be committed to being carnivorous so we have included some
recipes with fish and chicken. With the rest of the protocol we have found
people to experience cleansing benefits either eating vegetarian or
supplementing with small quantities of fish and chicken. Red meat can be quite
acidifying in the body so not recommended as a cleanse food.
This gentle, yet effective approach is designed to support the liver’s
detoxification pathways and to improve intestinal health so that the body can
clear out excess toxins and operate at its highest potential. It delivers an
all access pass to boundless reserves of energy you didn’t know you had. You’ll
find that every part of your body works better simply by "switching
on" your metabolism and body’s natural healing abilities. Want to learn
more? Contact me through Facebook at:
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