Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tips for Multi-tasking moms

Many moms understand that with the “Mom” title, comes the “multi-tasking” definition. Some moms thrive on the opportunities to multi-task, stay on top of everything, shine in the limelight, be dependable for everything and still keep their sanity. While other moms could use a little help, advice or tips to enable them to get through those spontaneous, challenging, multi-tasking obstacles in their day.

As a mom whose juggling kids, work, cleaning, pets and a spouse, you know there are some things that can not wait; feeding the kids, doing the laundry, paying the bills. For first time moms, this can be overwhelming, stressful and exhausting. Here are some tips and reminders to help you battle through your problems and multi-task easier.

Tip # 1: Write it down

Making a list of the things you need to accomplish through your day can help you prioritize and organize your daily schedule. It also helps you find a time slot to squeeze those to-do’s into your schedule. Keeping a small notepad and pen/pencil handy can help you remember those spontaneous thoughts or ideas for later. Using your phone to jot down your list makes this process easy, and you don't have to worry about forgetting your list at home.

Tip # 2: Set alarms

Everything these days has alarms. Your cell phone, computer, microwave, oven, alarm clock all have alarms available. Utilize this tool to help you remember specific events that take place during your day. That way, if you are pre-occupied, you can set an alarm (at least 5 minutes early) to remind you to make that phone call, send off that email, leave to pick up the kids or start cooking dinner.

Tip # 3: Occupy your kids

When it comes to occupying babies or children who are home with you part- or full-time, there are many products on the market to help parents. Sippy cup leashes (plenty of cute ones on etsy) are great for feeding your growing baby, (which tends to take priority over everything the moment they are hungry).  This way, you can free yourself up to do a few things while your baby is eating. It’s a great product for moms who multi-task. Movies, music and play toys are also great items to occupy your children, even if it’s for a few minutes.

Tip # 4: Plan ahead

Planning ahead of time is a great way to keep your goals in focus, and keep you on track to achieving those goals. Buy a yearly calendar or a planner and write down all appointments, events, important dates, phone numbers and email addresses. And before you plan new events, double check your calendar to ensure you don’t ‘double-book’ that time and date. Google calendar is also a portable option and you can give access to spouses, care takers, and family members.

Tip #5: Be flexible

As hard as it can be sometimes, the best approach to a hectic day is to roll with the punches. Things change constantly throughout your day and that’s okay. What’s important is how you handle the changes as they come. Understand and remind yourself that you might not be able to get everything done that you wanted to get done, and leave it at that.

Pampering Ideas for new Parents

New Parents- it's time to PAMPER


You may not get a whole day at the spa, but you can learn to take advantage of those brief but blessed windows of freedom when the baby naps or spends time with Dad.

If you have 15 minutes...
Make yourself a cup of tea and watch Saturday Night Live clips on YouTube or Hulu.

Toss out all your raggedy, stretched-out underwear and order some sexy new ones online.

Put on your favorite Alicia Keys or John Mayer CD, dim the lights, and pour yourself a glass of wine.

If you have 30 minutes...
Hole up in your bedroom with a cozy throw and a bowl of ice cream to watch the most mind-numbing show you can find. The Hills is always a safe bet.
Call that old friend you recently found on Facebook and talk for 30 minutes about the old days -- without once using the words "sore nipples" or "colic."

If you have an hour...
Go to the gym. Spend 20 minutes walking on the treadmill and 40 reading magazines in the steam room. Take a car ride, music (not Barney) blasting, along pretty roads near your home. Stop somewhere scenic and just sit for a while before heading back.

If you have three hours...
Bike to a park with a friend; pass right by the swings and sandbox and find a grassy spot for a picnic lunch.

Find the coziest corner at the coffee shop, order a latte, and read half a novel without interruption.

Finding Balance

December 2014
As a mother of three and a dedicated wife, I often find myself shuffling from one obligation to another, balancing full-time work with real-life challenges, some as small as what snack will actually make it inside the kids stomachs (and not the trash), to bigger ones, like financial planning, teaching values at any age, integrating faith into everyday lessons, and when to say enough.

Somewhere in there, I think about my health. It's generally been a pretty big deal in our household, but I allowed myself to feel at ease about my progress back from baby number three. With the support of my husband, we make "better" food choices, try to stay focused on what really matters, and keep a positive attitude about embracing the opportunity to grab some fresh air and dive into something physical/sporty. We have camped, ridden bikes, hiked, etc. And I love these chances to get outside. It's truly been a wonderful experience.

Now, I'd like to take on a new challenge, and in that process, "re-train" my thought process so that health is at the forefront of priorities, rather than taking the back burner. I know my entire family deserves a healthier me. Heck, I deserve a healthier me.

Join me in this new adventure starting now and ending in a Sprint Triathlon in Columbia, MD in August 2014. I will be posting some helpful resources to the right, and blogging my experience on Facebook for those of you who would like to follow my progress.